Saturday 10 December 2011


In his book God's Plan For Man, the author, Rev. Finis Jennings Dake, wrote in 1948 interalia about the origin of all things. He differentiates between past - present and future ages. The creative ages are the ages in the dateless past when the Creator created the vast heavens, sun, moon, stars and planets including the earth and all the innumerable things in the three heavens (2Cor. 12:2; Col. 1:15-18; Rom. 1:20). God created all the various kinds of spirits and human beings to inhabit the multiple planets in all the solar systems too. (Ibid., p.3).

Dake deals with five main ages, namely:
* The Antechaotic Age --since the very first creation until the chaotic state of the Earth in Gen. 1:2. Lucifer ruled during this period but due to pride, he fell and caused the Earth to become desolated ...(Ibid.,p.4.);
*  The Antediluvian Age -- "from the six days of the re-creation of the Heaven and of the Earth, as in Gen. 1:3-2:25 to the flood of Noah, or from the flood of Lucifer of Gen. 1:2 to the flood of Noah..." (Ibid.);
*  The present Age-- from Noah to the Millennium that follows the second coming of Christ and the Battle ofArmageddon in Rev. 19and 20;
*  The Age to Come--the Millennium since the second coming of Jesus and the Battle of Armageddon up to the New Earth in Rev. 21; and
*  The Age of Ages--eternity, time without end. (Ibid.)

To understand the view of true creationists like myself, the "eternal past" i.e. the dateless period before the beginning of time as it is revealed since the six days of Gen.1:3-2:25. (Cf. Dake, F.J. op cit.), is the pivotal period in which we should distinguish between the history of the"eternal past"  and a perpetual "eternal future" of Rev. 21-22 (Ibid.,p.7.)

There also exists celestial bodies in space and bodies terrestial as real as Earthly bodies, quotes Dake from 1 Cor. 15:35-50.

In summary, we believe in the true and original six day re- creation within  six real days in which God re-created the current world as we know it from the chaotic state of affairs that Lucifer left behind.  God then created  a Sabbath for man to experience an everlasting "rest in His works".  God's "rest" is a perpetual concept for believers to rest assured that all things seen and unseen leads to an eternal peace of mind in Christ. All the creation days started with "it was morning" and ends with "it was evening", however, in the Seventh day there is no morning and there is no perpetuates for ever and ever more !

My father, Barend Petrus De Beer meditated for  every long time about things he could not understand, but eventually came to rest with the Psalm that says: I finally founded my rest.  This inscription on his tombstone resembles his grandfather's in the Petrusburg Anglo Boer War Cemetery which reads: "Rust mijn ziel, Uv God is Koning".  Rest does not mean a passive state of affairs, but acts as a balancing point on which everything suspends eternally, namely God and His Creation.

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